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Being retired, I enjoy starting a new fun career. I am the eldest of five children.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Another excerpt from A Matter of Trust: I am pulling some double-shifts right now. I do enjoy it. I am meeting some inelligent girls too... Girls? What does he mean slipping in that short sentence and not elaborating upon it? Dena wondered.

Monday, March 21, 2011

"...He says that Britain is bombing Japan and there is even talk about activating a selective service act here in the United States." A tear slipped down Aunt Doreen's face.
What is a selective service act? What does it have to do with war? Dena wondered.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

On May 15 there will be a drawing for a Kindle Reader. To get your name in the drawing is to buy a copy of A Matter of Trust, Engineers of Flight Series (mine is Christian Historical Fiction...WWII). Each book you buy ($20 per book, signed if you want) you get another chance to win! Several authors, each with a different genre, are working this contest. Buy a book from other authors and get your name in more than once. Contact me here, or at sherpolf@ptsi.net to get your copy today and earn a chance to win a Kindle Reader!
On May 15 there will be a drawing for a Kindle Reader. The way to get your name in the drawing is to buy a copy of Gypsy Phoenix! For every book I know that it seems like everyone is advertising books, but you should remember each person has a different genre, my is Christian Historical Fiction...WWII. You buy ($20 each, signed if you want) you get another chance to win! Contact me here, or at sherpolf@ptsi.net to get your copy today and earn a chance to win a Kindle Reader!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Book two: If In Doubt...Believe is on its way...The cover has been approved and backmatter is being refined. Yeah!!!!