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Being retired, I enjoy starting a new fun career. I am the eldest of five children.

Monday, July 11, 2011

From my daily study(in part):
"My occupation is words. Whether I am writing or editing, I am using words to convey ideas so that readers can understand. I usually can see what's wrong with someone else's writing (though not always my own). Focusing on what's wrong can cause us to miss everything that's good. The apostle Paul in Phil 1:12-18 had reason to focus on what was wrong in the Philippian church. But instead of concentrating on the negative, he chose to look at the positive and rejoice in it. God wants us to be discerning--we need to know good from bad--but He doesn't want us to focus on the bad and become critical or discouraged. Even in circumstances that are less than ideal, we can find something good because in times of trouble God is still at work. (by Julie Ackerman Link)

Monday, July 4, 2011

As a veteran, I appreciate the recognition on this holiday, but I want to acknowledge the unsung heros, the soldier's family. We as soldiers are trained emotionally and mentally, ready to put this training to work for our country. Our families are not. They wait at home, praying. Knowing that my wife was waiting kept me going. Today, I salute her and all of the other soldiers families. ~ Dewey Polf, Viet Nam
As a veteran I appreciate it when someone remembers the veterans on Memorial Day, Flag Day, 4th of July, and Veterans Day and other holidays. But I for one want to salute all of the unsung heros...the families who are waiting at home. We as soldiers are trained, are equipped mentally and emotionally to deal with war. Families are not. They wait, pray and lean on their faith that their soldiers will come home. Knowing
that my wife was home waiting for me kept me going and brought me home. Some don't come home yet they still had the security of their families waiting, praying. Today, I salute these unsung heros. ~ Dewey Polf
As a veteran I appreciate it when someone remembers the veterans on Memorial Day, Flag Day, 4th of July, and Veterans Day and other holidays. But I for one want to salute all of the unsung heros...the families who are waiting at home. We as soldiers are trained, are equipped mentally and emotionally to deal with war. Families are not. They wait, pray and lean on their faith that their soldiers will come home. Knowing that my wife was there waiting for me to come home kept me going. So I salute the families on this 4th of July. ~ Dewey Polf

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

If In Doubt Believe, the second book in the Engineers of Flight series, is here and on sale. You can order it by check from me at $21.50 per book,

Sherrilyn Polf
PO Box 173
Tyrone, Ok, 73951 or go to:

click PAY NOW
and order your copy.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Like the GPS navagation device many people use to drive by, when we get off the route, it recalculates and get us back where we should be when we get lost.

II Timothy 3:16 tell us the Bible is a spiritual navagation system for our journey through life.:
Doctrine - tells us which road to travel.
Reproof - tells us when we are off the road.
Correction - tells us how to get back on.
Instruction in righteousness - tells us how to
stay on God's road.
Isn't it wonderful the moment we "veer" off on our own, the Holy Spirit is recalculating and urging us to return to the Father's Way?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, "We ought to obey God rather than men." Acts 5:29.

Whatwith all of todays government rules and regulations along with daily distractions, we Christians sometimes become bogged down in worldly ways. We forget we must keep our eyes upon, obey and follow God. Each day is a new challenge which God gives all grace and mercy. What we do with it is our choice. I pray that I always remember to choose God's way without question.